Collecting Baby Teeth: The Benefits and How to Do it Safely - Uniquely Morbid®

Collecting Baby Teeth: The Benefits and How to Do it Safely

Why Collect Baby Teeth?

For many parents, the thought of collecting their child’s baby teeth may seem strange or unnecessary. However, there are actually several benefits to collecting baby teeth.

  • Memories: Baby teeth are a tangible reminder of your child’s early years and can be a sentimental keepsake.
  • Stem Cells: Baby teeth contain stem cells that can potentially be used to treat future health conditions.
  • Research: Scientists use baby teeth for research on childhood diseases and conditions.

How to Collect Baby Teeth

If you decide to collect your child’s baby teeth, it’s important to do so safely and hygienically. Here are some tips:

  • Wait for the Tooth to Fall Out: Baby teeth should only be collected once they naturally fall out. Do not pull teeth out prematurely.
  • Handle Teeth Carefully: Use gloves or tissues to handle the tooth to avoid contamination.
  • Clean Teeth and Store Properly: Rinse the tooth with water and store it in a clean, dry container. Do not store teeth in plastic bags or cotton balls.
  • Label Teeth: Label the tooth with your child’s name, birthdate, and the date the tooth fell out.


Collecting baby teeth may not be for everyone, but it can have benefits beyond sentimental value. If you choose to collect your child’s baby teeth, be sure to do so safely and properly.

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